Saturday, September 19, 2020

RGB death

 My empathy for those that are mourning the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, 

She was one of the longest justices of the Supreme Court. During the decades there were many cases before the court, the most controversial was Roe V Wade.

Following the decision on that case, it came to our knowledge that there was never a rape, never a pregnancy and the case was fraught with fraud.  The guilt that was residual from the Plaintiff on that case, haunted her for life which is why she came forward.

As a result of this case, millions of women were taught to use abortion as birth control, not to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy.  Most were unaware that abortion is a business, and that criminal vile things were being done to babies, and body parts went on auction to the highest bidder.

These secrets were kept for decades, and anyone trying to reveal this, suffered immensely.  From 1973, the Roe V Wade case until now 2020, they even hid the millions of abortions by camouflaging it and not giving the totals on main stream news. Many were unaware that the initial intent of abortions was to kill black babies from Margaret Sanger.

In 2015, when I started to learn that Planned Parenthood was an abortion factory and murder of the unborn, even when abortions are botched, I was unable to sleep, stop crying and had to have an awakening that I never thought I could endure.  I was comforted to find millions of people in this awakening, all equally shocked and distraught.

In the past 4.5 years, millions of people on a mission, want to become the voice for the unborn, and to protect life and the next generation, at all costs.  And costs are high, since they target people that are pro-life.  They target people that want to create a safe world for this generation and give them tools to be successful and unharmed by modern medicine and vaccines.

I have no fake emotion or sense of loss of this death.  She was forced to stay in the SCOTUS for too long, to keep the business of murder going.  Once you are compromised, there is no way out, other than death.

It is our duty to put in replacement judges that abide by the rule of law, and use the Constitution to base their decisions on.

As a country, we must protect life, we must protect women, and we are not allowed to disguise murder and try to call it a choice.  Women that want to have sex and are not intending to become pregnant, need to figure out their choice of protections so unwanted pregnancies do not occur.  Responsibility of our adult choices needs to be the guiding force, rather than destroying our moms who suffer for life after they have aborted a child.

The unhinged people all have no conscious at all, and are part of the money industry of the billions earned through murders of children.  Their fake tears are not for her death, but for the end to this decades old lie of a fake case, covered up by fake news.

It's time as a country, that we put life first, and come out in support of every life and every breath being our job to protect as a nation.

Fill the Seat before the Election - Natasha 

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