Open letter to AG Barr & The Justice Dept.
Open letter to judges
The Blackmail Trail from 2011
Official petition link here: Please sign
LINK to file complaint in your state
Cases I filed that have been illegally dismissed or given to bias corrupt judges
The rule of law
We don't need special counsel, we know what that costs, just the rule of law to work and be applied
to every case, every crime, every one, every statute of every law - consistently
LINK to file complaint in your state
Cases I filed that have been illegally dismissed or given to bias corrupt judges
MA - Sued the state after Judge Young refused to issue Default ruling on Marriott case for sexual harassment
MA - Framingham Court - Since 2013 Judge Cunis refusing to issue default ruling against Liberty Mutual on personal injury case, clock still ticking
NH - Unlawful dismissal in 2017 Against Google, Twitter, Patreon, etc
Corrupt NH courts refused to issue lawful ruling
NH - 2020 Lawsuit against Governor Sununu - Judge Ruoff refused to issue default ruling
NH-2020 Twitter Google - failed to file for an appearance and court refuses to issue a default ruling
The judges in 2 states are targeting me, and not allowing me any compensation - as a lawful business owner, as a private citizen, or for my virtual property rights and earnings. Someone needs to put them under Oath and find out why. And then give them consequences for rigging cases in state and federal courts. Why is anyone targeting a business owner? A resident? A person obeying the law?
Letter to AG Barr on July 4th - Corrupt Judges
Lawsuit against Governor Sununu
Arizona Health Club owner files suit against Governor
COVID tests are a scam , a DNA grab
Twitter thread
Join the Lawsuits in your state
Governor's can be arrested (the law)
To Attorney General William Barr:
We The undersigned petition the Attorney General to investigate, and administer legal consequences for state Governor's that overstepped their power, and issued illegal orders for their state residents since March of 2020.
Those illegal orders include:
Stay at home orders, shutting down of businesses, locking people out of visitation in nursing homes, attendance of funerals for people that died, closure of churches, & a false determination of what a single person in charge of a state determined as "essential" without any regard to "law" or things that have been legislated.
A state Governor does not have lawful authority to write an executive order that steals liberty, violates the 1st Amendment, which includes the right to petition the government, and many governors closed courts, and state offices of government and cannot.
The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, prohibits any state to close its borders to trade or interstate delivery of any goods local or imported, and was put into the Constitution for government overreach and abuse of power. This act prohibits all state Governors from ever closing their borders.
The point of that act, was to prohibit monopolies, and the destruction of the massive creation of small businesses that lawfully compete with those monopolies and the peoples right to choose what they buy, wear, and build with. What corrupt governors did, was erase this law, in order to purposefully destroy all of these businesses by an unlawful shutdown, and lock people inside their homes, without any right to gather, or petition the government. They prevented people from their right of free speech and peaceful protect, and some governors made illegal arrests to those that tried to operate businesses or gather to have a peaceful protest.
Governors ordered many things that have never been brought before either the Senate or Congress and therefore are not "law".
No Governor can order its residents to wear masks, in fact, Federal law prohibits wearing of masks in public. Governors cannot "order" privately owned small businesses to wear masks and demand that of their customers, but many of them did.
Masks have been proven to cause germs, suffocate free breathing, a danger to healthy people, and do not protect people at all. In these corrupt states, Governors themselves have issued these orders on the public, while not using them on themselves, and this draconian order was attempted via corruption in the past, and litigated, and found to be a violation of civil rights, and freedom, and of free speech.
Even in the capital, there is a law prohibiting the covering of faces in public, in order to protect people from the threat of criminals.
Arising out of this virus, is an additional term that has not been legislated, "social distancing". This is not a legal term, it is not a valid term, therefore it is not enforceable in any state. There are governors that have demanded the restructure, and reconstruction of private owned businesses, taking away their rented space that they need to operate and use for their goods, checkout space, seating, tables, visits in churches, and more. A Governor cannot order any such reconstruction or limits on public space in a public or private business without this legislation and approval of both the house, the Senate and signed into law.
The effort made by corrupt governors to pretend this is in fact a law, and accustom people to this term, and prevent contact of people, families, and loved ones is not lawful, and against the entire human race. They intend to weaken people through fear of a virus that any public gatherings or outings are forever diminished from society, and that includes parades, sporting events, concerts, dancing, churches, family gatherings, parks and recreation, public beaches and pools, and rally's or protests. This term is an invention, born out of abuse of power, and a healthy society cannot have any order, law, or rule, that prohibits and severs freedom to this degree.
If the theory of "social distancing" was in fact invented in order to be able to track and trace people anywhere, including the inside of buildings, it needs to be ordered that it not be implemented or acted upon in any state, until it does in fact become a federal law, therefore prohibiting any state from ever violating the bill of rights and our freedoms in order to steal it in any single state, under any term they choose to call "a crisis" in order to implement it.
There can be no implementation of preventing our children from public schools or sitting next to each other on buses, and prevention of putting healthy children into daycare so parents can work.
There can be no governor destroying the right of anyone to use public transportation, the subway, or buses.
There can be no governor taking away any freedoms that its citizens had prior to March 2020, and not restore them in full.
The Governors that did abuse this power, and destroy their state economies must be investigated and have consequences. They have duped their own citizens into a permanent state of fear, and stolen their own every day lives.
In NH, a private citizen was forced to surrender freedom, and take on the state corruption that the Governor forced upon people and her right to petition the government, and restore such freedoms. Others have encountered the same.
You made a statement that the Constitution was still in active during this virus and they ignored you, and still are. And many are seeking retribution against people that are fighting for that freedom to be restored. None of the people in the Senate or Congress that have the intention of malice upon USA citizens have ever been held accountable for that corruption and we have yet to see consequences on any state Governors. A few Governors have lost their illegal orders as they were deemed unconstitutional by lawful judges, but there are states where the Governors are still holding their citizens hostage, including New Hampshire, NY, MI, CA, and a few other states.
This petition is being sent so that people are in fact held accountable for deaths, murders, suicides, state destruction, creating monopolies as they failed to protect state businesses, and ignored the Interstate Commerce Act, which prohibits lockdown, even for a "virus". And amazingly, the "virus" was only present in a skewed version of what 1 single corrupt person deemed was not essential.
Governors cannot govern states into the ground, and expect the federal government to bail them out. All orders that they instituted during this time, have to be declared terminated, invalid, and discontinued, as they violate the very principal that the USA was founded on, and they know it.
The DOJ must restore freedom to all 50 states, and prevent their orders from any continuance. Should they fail to restore freedoms at this point, they need criminal charges on them and liability for what they are doing to those that die without their families and a lawful right to hold funeral services.
Signed, The Following
Sign in the comments on the bottom of this page
You can follow this as well to bookmark it for yourselves
DR Shiva - no masks
For those that want to donate to this petition and my campaign for state governor, please do so here:
Lawsuit against Governor Sununu
Arizona Health Club owner files suit against Governor
COVID tests are a scam , a DNA grab
Twitter thread
Join the Lawsuits in your state
Governor's can be arrested (the law)
To Attorney General William Barr:
We The undersigned petition the Attorney General to investigate, and administer legal consequences for state Governor's that overstepped their power, and issued illegal orders for their state residents since March of 2020.
Those illegal orders include:
Stay at home orders, shutting down of businesses, locking people out of visitation in nursing homes, attendance of funerals for people that died, closure of churches, & a false determination of what a single person in charge of a state determined as "essential" without any regard to "law" or things that have been legislated.
A state Governor does not have lawful authority to write an executive order that steals liberty, violates the 1st Amendment, which includes the right to petition the government, and many governors closed courts, and state offices of government and cannot.
The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, prohibits any state to close its borders to trade or interstate delivery of any goods local or imported, and was put into the Constitution for government overreach and abuse of power. This act prohibits all state Governors from ever closing their borders.
The point of that act, was to prohibit monopolies, and the destruction of the massive creation of small businesses that lawfully compete with those monopolies and the peoples right to choose what they buy, wear, and build with. What corrupt governors did, was erase this law, in order to purposefully destroy all of these businesses by an unlawful shutdown, and lock people inside their homes, without any right to gather, or petition the government. They prevented people from their right of free speech and peaceful protect, and some governors made illegal arrests to those that tried to operate businesses or gather to have a peaceful protest.
Governors ordered many things that have never been brought before either the Senate or Congress and therefore are not "law".
No Governor can order its residents to wear masks, in fact, Federal law prohibits wearing of masks in public. Governors cannot "order" privately owned small businesses to wear masks and demand that of their customers, but many of them did.
Masks have been proven to cause germs, suffocate free breathing, a danger to healthy people, and do not protect people at all. In these corrupt states, Governors themselves have issued these orders on the public, while not using them on themselves, and this draconian order was attempted via corruption in the past, and litigated, and found to be a violation of civil rights, and freedom, and of free speech.
Even in the capital, there is a law prohibiting the covering of faces in public, in order to protect people from the threat of criminals.
Arising out of this virus, is an additional term that has not been legislated, "social distancing". This is not a legal term, it is not a valid term, therefore it is not enforceable in any state. There are governors that have demanded the restructure, and reconstruction of private owned businesses, taking away their rented space that they need to operate and use for their goods, checkout space, seating, tables, visits in churches, and more. A Governor cannot order any such reconstruction or limits on public space in a public or private business without this legislation and approval of both the house, the Senate and signed into law.
The effort made by corrupt governors to pretend this is in fact a law, and accustom people to this term, and prevent contact of people, families, and loved ones is not lawful, and against the entire human race. They intend to weaken people through fear of a virus that any public gatherings or outings are forever diminished from society, and that includes parades, sporting events, concerts, dancing, churches, family gatherings, parks and recreation, public beaches and pools, and rally's or protests. This term is an invention, born out of abuse of power, and a healthy society cannot have any order, law, or rule, that prohibits and severs freedom to this degree.
If the theory of "social distancing" was in fact invented in order to be able to track and trace people anywhere, including the inside of buildings, it needs to be ordered that it not be implemented or acted upon in any state, until it does in fact become a federal law, therefore prohibiting any state from ever violating the bill of rights and our freedoms in order to steal it in any single state, under any term they choose to call "a crisis" in order to implement it.
There can be no implementation of preventing our children from public schools or sitting next to each other on buses, and prevention of putting healthy children into daycare so parents can work.
There can be no governor destroying the right of anyone to use public transportation, the subway, or buses.
There can be no governor taking away any freedoms that its citizens had prior to March 2020, and not restore them in full.
The Governors that did abuse this power, and destroy their state economies must be investigated and have consequences. They have duped their own citizens into a permanent state of fear, and stolen their own every day lives.
In NH, a private citizen was forced to surrender freedom, and take on the state corruption that the Governor forced upon people and her right to petition the government, and restore such freedoms. Others have encountered the same.
You made a statement that the Constitution was still in active during this virus and they ignored you, and still are. And many are seeking retribution against people that are fighting for that freedom to be restored. None of the people in the Senate or Congress that have the intention of malice upon USA citizens have ever been held accountable for that corruption and we have yet to see consequences on any state Governors. A few Governors have lost their illegal orders as they were deemed unconstitutional by lawful judges, but there are states where the Governors are still holding their citizens hostage, including New Hampshire, NY, MI, CA, and a few other states.
This petition is being sent so that people are in fact held accountable for deaths, murders, suicides, state destruction, creating monopolies as they failed to protect state businesses, and ignored the Interstate Commerce Act, which prohibits lockdown, even for a "virus". And amazingly, the "virus" was only present in a skewed version of what 1 single corrupt person deemed was not essential.
Governors cannot govern states into the ground, and expect the federal government to bail them out. All orders that they instituted during this time, have to be declared terminated, invalid, and discontinued, as they violate the very principal that the USA was founded on, and they know it.
The DOJ must restore freedom to all 50 states, and prevent their orders from any continuance. Should they fail to restore freedoms at this point, they need criminal charges on them and liability for what they are doing to those that die without their families and a lawful right to hold funeral services.
Signed, The Following
Sign in the comments on the bottom of this page
You can follow this as well to bookmark it for yourselves
DR Shiva - no masks
For those that want to donate to this petition and my campaign for state governor, please do so here:
The Cost of Scamdemic
"CDC admitted they screwed up COVID19 infection counts and intentionally misled the public and have apologized, clarifying that the amount of people truly infected is much lower than what was originally reported -- an error so egregious it made the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute say “how could the CDC make this mistake? This is a mess."
The American Coronavirus Task Force also admitted to fudging the National COVID19 death count when Dr. Birx said the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported.
Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted masks won’t help against the virus and mask manufacturers are now including warnings that their products do not deter COVID19.
Fauci also said that continuing to close the country could cause irreparable damage.
CDC backtracked their initial claim that led governors to shutdown their states & clarified that COVID19 does not spread easily on surfaces.
Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo confirmed a recent health study showing that 70% of new infections actually originate at home, thus making stay at home orders one of the most dangerous mandates currently in place.
Trump stopped funding the WHO and threatened to cut off money permanently until they can prove they are no longer corruptly influenced by communist China after they lied to our country about human to human transmission of COVID19 in January.
The curve is flattened, the CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, our governors, and many more were completely wrong about the potential threat of this virus.
Even California is opening up sooner than anyone expected because the evidence contradicts the long standing and inaccurate narrative still upheld by the extremely dishonest & corrupt media.
If you are still living in fear, Don’t be. The media, global organizations, the government, and its agencies “mislead” the public.
People called those of us who knew this all along conspiracy theorists, but it turns out we were just following the facts!
Open up your businesses, churches, and homes. Don’t fall for the lies any longer. If you fell for the lies this time, wake up and join the army of truth seekers fighting on the front lines.
The #CDC just confirmed a 0.2% death-rate for #COVID19 ...
For that, we have:
• Added nearly 6 trillion to national debt
• Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers
• Placed 60 million on food stamps
• Gone from 3.5%to 14.7% unemployment
• Crippled the petroleum industry
• Ruined the tourism industry
• Bankrupted the service industry
• Caused an impending meat and protein crisis
• Threatened, fined, and arrested church leaders
• Exacerbated mental health problems
• Shut down schools and colleges
• Given unbridled power to unelected officials
• Increased suicides higher than COVID deaths
• Delayed surgeries and treatments for profound illnesses
• Infringed upon countless important civil liberties
• Placed 300 million Americans on house arrest
These consequences are largely due to two things:
• The first is our view of government as a god that can control Providence and plagues. In our hubris, we increasingly view the government as a deity who can stop acts of nature.
• The second is our sniveling, 21st-century commitment to safety. Our desire to be “safe” ruined our fiscal, physical, medical, food, energy, and national security.Unfortunately there is no vaccine for cultural fragility."
Written by JD Hall / Courtesy of Tara Thralls"
julie matthews alabama
ReplyDeleteCrystal Hey NH
ReplyDeleteSigned Diane Buck SC
ReplyDeleteSigned Lucas Warren MN
ReplyDeleteSigned Mary Rogozinski